Monday, November 21, 2011

Response to a poem on social issues

Silent Scream
Is that him coming?
The creak of a stair
quiet click of the door
soft shuffle on the carpet
Is that him coming?
She stiffens…
the scream torn from her throat by fear
soundless terror ripping through her soul
Is that him coming?
She buries herself within herself
fleeing to escape
running, running, running
Is that him coming?

I think that this poem is about child abuse. I think that this poem is saying that the effect abuse can have on a child can devastate them for the rest of their life. I think that this poem went very detailed and in depth about how it was tearing this girl up inside because of her fear of what this person was going to do to her. I think that child abuse is a huge issue and I think no one should ever have to go through that pain.

This makes me think of how the coaches of the sports teams in college were abusing children and it was never taken seriously because no one ever reported it and these kids were left on their own with no help which I think is unexceptable. I think that kids need to know that someone is there for them and will be there for them to get through the pain of having to deal with abuse. I think this poem shows how this kid would feel more comfort if there was someone there for her. I think that this poem shows her loneliness and her feeling of being lost with no one to save her because it does have her all alone with no one there with her to protect her.

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