Thursday, November 17, 2011

Lord of the Flies

I think that a big theme in this book is power. I also know that from doing the play last year but while reading the book it shows really early the want of power and how two groups are brought together and a leader has to be made. I could tell really early that there would be some conflict because Jack is used to being the leader of the choir and having them look up to him and being praised like a god but now with Ralph in the mix Jack might feel like his authority is being undermined and that since he is already insecure he might feel like now he is nothing. I know that there will be conflict but there is also another interesting character in the book besides Jack and Ralph and that is Piggy. Piggy tries to keep the peace and now even though Ralph is "chief" Piggy is like the leader of the little kids Piggy helps them and unlike Jack and Ralph he doesn't ignore them and act tough. Even though Piggy is like that he is still looked down upon by the older kids because he doesn't fit. I know that in the future of the book Piggy and Ralph are stuck together because the people separate and I think that tat is when Ralph truly appreciates Piggy. I think that Piggy has power but not the type of power that Jack and Ralph have.

I think that even in the real world people have struggles with power just like in the book because many people in the world are like Jack in the book they have a hunger for power and will do anything for it but just like in the book not a lot of people want him as their leader. I think that is a message from the beginning when even though most of the kids don't know each other most of the votes go to Ralph as being chief because I think they could sense who he really was and the same with Jack I think they could sense who he really was too. Jack's are dictators who want to be worshiped. There are also Ralph's in the world they are the people who are seen to be good leaders and are put up to be high leaders but have many hard things to deal with or they can't handle it all. They face difficult problems and they are seen to be natural born good leaders but they do have problems and hardships just like Ralph. Then there are the Piggy's they are the people who are not seen to be good leaders but are really the people you want as a leader and not a dictator but a caring person who overlooks no one just like Piggy but they work behind the scenes most of the time and are not really recognized just like Piggy who is an outcast from the beginning. 


  1. "I think that is a message from the beginning when even though most of the kids don't know each other most of the votes go to Ralph as being chief because I think they could sense who he really was."

    I agree with the statement above. Your connections to how power is established in the book to how power is established in society is spot on. The boys who are stranded on the island represents a microcosm for the real world. A microcosm is like a small world of its own, and the island is kind of representative of the larger world. There are certain qualities we look for in a leader, typically the qualities that Ralph exhibits, which makes the rest of the gang want to vote him as the leader. But there are other leaders too, like you mentioned Piggy, who establishes control amongst the younger children by comforting them. Nice post.

    -Ms. Hoque

  2. I really think your post was meaningful and thought out. I could tell that you were really into your book by discovering that the theme was power. I agree with that statement, because in a way, the only way for there to be status is if there is when the boys try to display their strength.

  3. this was a very powerfull post. you can tell it wasnt rushed and you worked really hard on it and it really shows in your work. good job
