Thursday, November 10, 2011


In the book Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins I think that the moral of this book is that things that you like can also be bad for you. In the book it says "That what I neede to survive is not Gale's fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have pleanty of tfire myself. What I need is a dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destuction." I thought that this quote was very powerful because it showed me that some things that we might have loved at first might be hurting us and bringing us down.

In the book Katniss feels at first that she has a future with Gale and that he is the best thing for her. She also thinks that because of the bad blood between her and Peeta they would never have the same relationship ever again. It might have been harder with dealing with someone who has some problems because of the capitol that a person who would rile her up and make her feel angry. She realized that even if Peeta has issues Gale in the long run would cause her more hurt. In the book they end up growing apart and Katniss turns to Peeta for comfort and she realizes that he is the best thing for her because even the arena and the capitol can't damage the strong bond they had and the ability he had to comfort her and calm her fire and her fiery personality as well.

I felt like in the book Katniss had a mean and standoffish personality that caused many people to be intimidated by her and stay way from her. That was even a problem she had in the games when they did the interview. Katniss was mean , uninterested, and she was not comfortable. In the first book we see that Katniss does have a softer weaker side that she feels like she has no need to express because she is like an adult and is preoccupied with her family. But also we see how Katniss and Peeta met at first and from that one moment with the bread and Katniss starving after her fathers death and Peeta reaching out to help he sees the real her and he is attracted to that but Katniss doesn't have time for friends so she strays away as usual but Peeta has never stopped looking at her in that way and unlike Gale who has never shared an experience on that level before sees her in the way he always has and even though Katniss says she is open and there are no boundaries between them there is a boundary but Peeta knows what really goes on in her heart and that is what makes Katniss push him away because she doesn't want to be seen as having a kryptonite as it were, she has always wanted to seem strong and unbreakable but Peeta knows what her soft spot is. Also the reason he didn't exploit that soft spot in the arena shows that he has true love for Katniss. Peeta has always been pure and he is a rock just like Katniss but he is a different kind of rock, he is a rock that is there for protection and also one that doesn't hide who h is because he wants to be gruff and hard. That is why he always had a lot of friends which is what Katniss says in the book, whereas she only had one.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you translated the quote perfectly and it looks like you love doing your blogs because they are rich with details and descriptions.
