Sunday, June 10, 2012

COA novel

I finished reading the book Teen Angst? NAAA by Ned Vizinni and I think it had many great examples of how to grow up and what it is like to grow up and start coming of age. In the novel it showed how Ned experimented with different things and how not all of them his parents aproved of. Also in the little bit of  the book involved his middle school life it still provided a great example of how he started straying away from his parents and the difference between him in middle school and him in high school.

Even though there was only a little part of his experience of middle school it showed a good contrast of him in comparison to his middle school relationship with his parents and basically what he did in his life to what he did in high school and his relationship with his parents in high school. In middle school the chapter is really about him playing a video game when he drops the video game and he thinks it's broken he turns to his dad first to fix the problem which I thought really showed how kids are when they are younger.

In Ned's high school life he really started to stray away from his parents and he really had most of his adventures and stories out of the house and I started hearing less and less about his brother and barely anything about his sister and more about his friends and things he did out of the house. I think that shows that kids start to stray away and relly on their parents less and are more independent.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coming of Age

In the book Teen Angst? NAAAH Ned goes through coming of age because he starts being more independent and starts going out more and not being with his family. Ned starts to hang out with friends from school. Also because he doesn't want to be seen in a certain way he doesn't want to be escorted by his dad when he wants to go out somewhere. He is also starting to value the opinion of his peers and people at school more. I think it is good to have a parent like Ned's dad because his dad seems to understand that he wants to branch out and he gives him his space. He also didn't get mad and blow up when Ned came home drunk.

"Now dad isn't an emmbarrassing guy, but the Shrivel show was an important gathering, and I didn't want him escorting me to and from it." (pg. 54). Ned might not want to hut his parents feelings but he wants to seem cool to his friends. I think that all teenagers do that and it might seem insulting to their parents but I don't think that they mean to hurt their feeling because they still love them but they also don't want to seem like they are weak and can't look after themselves.

I like Ned's dad because he is nice and I think that he is one of those parents who still remembers what it is like to be a teenager and he treats his son like he respects him and he is willing to accept him growing up. Some parents never want their kids to grow up so they hold on to them and suffocate them and that makes the kids want to leave more. Ned's dad let's him grow up and lets him do it at his own pace.

I think that kids coming of age is more than just the child being ready to grow up but it is also about the parents being willing to let their kids grow up and mature on their own. Kids should grow up at their own pace but with the guidance of their parents but not with them suffocating them and not givig them the space to grow up. Ned's dad let him have space but I think that he did it because he trusted Ned and he also gave him the respect he deserved.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Essay on Article

I read the article "Terrible twisters" I think that this article shows that it is important to listen to the instructions and not take warnings seriously. In the article it showed that many people that didn't listen died and that they should take warnings seriously even if they get tornadoes often. many people think that because they live in an area with a lot of tornadoes they don't have to take warnings seriously but the people who did listen and didn't take the situation lightly are still alive today.

I remember hearing on the radio that a man who was near a tornado didn't do anything to protect himself because he thought that the tornado wasn't a big threat and thankfully he is still alive today. He had a hard time getting in contact with anyone and he had a hard time finding his way to safety but he lived and that is an example of one of the good situations where someone actually survived. It also makes me think about people here in New York because since we don't get a lot of tornadoes we take a warning very seriously even though they probably will not hit us that hard  where as people in places where they get a lot of them take them less seriously.

In the article it showed me that listening is important. In the article it said "The storm killed six people." This shows the importance of listening because maybe if they were more careful they would still be alive. Even though only one of the three tornadoes was deadly they should still be more careful with their lives because it is a big gamble and if you lose you will die.

I think that this article will help people down in the places they have lots of tornadoes because it will help put things in perspective for them. It will show them that they are dangerous and it is not good to gamble they might think that it isn't a big deal but when they see all the devastation it causes they might think twice about not listening and be more cautious. 




Q#1: The student could have said i found an interesting piece of writing about the discription of the painting by Van Gough then he could have stated the information about who wrote it and what website it was from and then put quotes around the entire piece of writing instead of plagiarizing.

Q#2: "There is a peaceful essence flowing from the structures." (no author "")

Q#3: One way to avoid plagiarizing is to learn how to cite sources if you get your information from a website. Another way is to never copy something you read word for word always paraphrase. Finally you can avoid plagiarizing by writing based on your own thoughts.   

Favorite blogs

I liked Joyce and Anthony's blogs because I liked their writing styles. I liked how in Joyce's blog had a nice comparison about Gale and Peeta and I liked how she was very descriptive about describing each character and then comparing and contrasting them. She wrote very clearly and she used good language to write. In Anthony's blog i liked how he clearly retold what happened in the book and I like how he made that his entire blog post with little thoughts he had mixed in. I think that he wrote very descriptively.

Reading these 2 blogs will help me with my own blogs because it will help me be more descriptive and I can use Joyce's technique of comparing and contrasting to compare 2 characters in a book. Also like in Anthony's blog I could do a recap of the part of the book I want to write about with my thoughts mixed in with it.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

My thoughts on Juliet

I think that Juliet is an interesting character because of her relatioship with her parents. She feels obligated to please them but she also has her own wants. She feels like she has to please her parents and keep them happy. She is a people pleaser but to a much lesser degree, because she only does that with her parents. I think that her meeting Romeo will be good for her because it will help her stop feeling like she has to do what her parents say and she can't speak up for what she wants. She is obediant to her parents but she wants to do the complete opposite.

In the beginning of the play Juliet's dad and Paris have a conversation about Paris marrying Juliet and then her family has a conversation about it. While there is a conversation between the nurse Juliet and Juliet's mother Juliet is willing to marry Paris just because her mother and father might want her to. She doesn't tell them her feelings at all, she just listens and agrees with what her mother says.

Romeo is different than Juliet because he is willing to express his feelings and emotions about the things in his life. I think that he will teach Juliet to eventually speak up for herself and let known what she really wants.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Benvolio vs. Merchutio

In the play Romeo and Juliet the two people who are close to Romeo try and support him after he is rejected by Rosaline. But even though they both try and comfort Romeo they do it in two very different ways even though in effect they are both saying the same things. Benvolio is more tender and understanding he tries to reason with Romeo to get him to see the situation his point of view. Mercutio on the other hand is more mean and pushy about having Romeo see it his way. He is meaner to get Romeo to forget Rosaline.

In act 1 scene 1 lines 233, 235-236 Benvolio tries to get his point across to Romeo and tell him that he should examine other women and completely forget about Rosaline and even though Romeo protests Benvolio still remains calm and reasonable with Romeo. He doesn't get harsh with Romeo even though he insists in wallowing in his sorrow and not listening to Benvolio.

In act 1 scene 4 lines 27-32 Mercutio tells Romeo be rough with love and defeat it. He is more forceful and even though he also tells Romeo to examine other women he is harsh. I think that by telling romeo to be rough with love he isn't being sensitive to the way Romeo feels about love. Romeo thinks that love is important and he puts a lot of emphasis on it and it seems to be his life. He is more forceful with his want of making Romeo forget about Rosaline.

In conclusion I think that Benvolio and Mercutio are the same because they want to get the same message across to Romeo but they are also different because they express their feelings for that in different ways. Benvolio the reasoning compassionate one and Mercutio the aggressive harsh one. In the end I think Benvolio would have a better chance of getting Romeo to change if he didn't do it on his own because he would want to listen to Benvolio more than Mercutio and I don't blame him because I would too.