Thursday, March 8, 2012

Benvolio vs. Merchutio

In the play Romeo and Juliet the two people who are close to Romeo try and support him after he is rejected by Rosaline. But even though they both try and comfort Romeo they do it in two very different ways even though in effect they are both saying the same things. Benvolio is more tender and understanding he tries to reason with Romeo to get him to see the situation his point of view. Mercutio on the other hand is more mean and pushy about having Romeo see it his way. He is meaner to get Romeo to forget Rosaline.

In act 1 scene 1 lines 233, 235-236 Benvolio tries to get his point across to Romeo and tell him that he should examine other women and completely forget about Rosaline and even though Romeo protests Benvolio still remains calm and reasonable with Romeo. He doesn't get harsh with Romeo even though he insists in wallowing in his sorrow and not listening to Benvolio.

In act 1 scene 4 lines 27-32 Mercutio tells Romeo be rough with love and defeat it. He is more forceful and even though he also tells Romeo to examine other women he is harsh. I think that by telling romeo to be rough with love he isn't being sensitive to the way Romeo feels about love. Romeo thinks that love is important and he puts a lot of emphasis on it and it seems to be his life. He is more forceful with his want of making Romeo forget about Rosaline.

In conclusion I think that Benvolio and Mercutio are the same because they want to get the same message across to Romeo but they are also different because they express their feelings for that in different ways. Benvolio the reasoning compassionate one and Mercutio the aggressive harsh one. In the end I think Benvolio would have a better chance of getting Romeo to change if he didn't do it on his own because he would want to listen to Benvolio more than Mercutio and I don't blame him because I would too.     

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