Thursday, October 27, 2011

Catching fire

I think that a major theme in the book Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins is that you have to make do with what life gives you. Katniss struggles with trying to find her identity and keep everyone that she dragged into her mess safe from being killed. Katniss has been hurt in the Hunger Games and she has to try and find herself again because the Capitol has taken away her identity. She was also forced into a relationship with Peeta that she really wasn't prepared for and now that she got out of the games she still hasn't completely left the games because now it is a game to keep the Capitol in power and keep the districts from revolting. Even now she is treated differently when she got home because no one sees her the same way after what she did in the games. Katniss still has to hold onto her sanity even with all the crazy things that are happening around her.

I think that Katniss makes do with what she gets very well even if the people who coach her think she is doing horrible. Katniss has done considerably well after all the things she has had to go through during th games. I think that we have to be that way to. Katniss still showed that she was not a piece of the Capitol's games after she was beaten up and is still holding on to her deffiance to the Capitol. We also should never give up because that is something Katniss never did she never addmited defeat even if she was on the brink of death. We also should never give up and always try our hardest just like Katniss who never complained and never threw away anything. She always did the best she could with what she got.

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