Sunday, February 19, 2012

Response to Another Sonnet for Stephan

I think that this sonnet is about a boy who grows up to be a man and that this sonnet was written by someone who was a close family member or friend that had a good relationship with him and was involved in his life. I think this because in the poem the person who wrote the sonnet knows a lot about his life and he seems to have kept up with him for his entire life. I think that this sonnet is like a tribute to Stephan to show all the good things he did in his life before he died because the line in the poem "Th boy, the youth, and the man are each now gone. Except that in my heart they linger on." Shows that Stephen died and the periods of his life still live on in his heart or memory that he will never forget.

In the first 4 lines of the sonnet it shows that Stephan is a young boy who makes the writter happy and it seems that they played together at a young age. He really seemed to like Stephan and it made it seem like they had a connection. I think that it shows that they connected at a young age and based on thge rest of the poem that they kept in touch and communicated throughout his life. Also with the next 4 lines it shows that he grew up to be a good person who was very smart and had a bright future. Also in the 9 to 12 lines it shows that he grew up to be very successful but it also makes it seem like he had a disease that he was fighting and that was what caused him to die.   

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sonnet #1

Swinging from tree to tree, flying so free.

Beautiful colors of fur all so bright.

Crying out with calls loud and full of glee.

Their limbs grappling from day to night.

It’s not right for you to have to cower.

It is you who they so demoralize.

You are beautiful and full of power.

It is them though who you truly despise.

It is you who they badly violate.

They tell you things but they are all bad lies.

The only thing you can do is to hate.

All we see is the sadness in your eyes.

It is you they still so callously slay.
They kill you for parts so petty, for pay

Monday, February 6, 2012

My poetry

Poetry is
Poetry is the bridge between creativity and your thoughts.
It allows you to mix your felings and interests with your fantisies and wishes.

What happens when summer turns into fall
When the wind breaks out and the leaves start to change we blow the dust off of our coats and put them on, but we continue with our daily lives.
But what about the other animals?
Do the animals hate the wind freezing the wind on their face?
Do they appreciate the beauty of the changing leaves? Or do they go on with their daily lives like us, walking past the beauty of fall?

Michelangelo and David 
 You both started out young your experience and age not a factor.
You both aspired to greatness early,you did your job well you were a master an expert at what you did you were praised by the highest and most respected. That is why you are together, it is because you are so alike so powerful yet so young.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


"By 13 he had decided that he wanted to be an artist." Famous artists: Michelangelo pg.6 

At an early age Michelangelo decided that he wanted to be an artist and even though his father opposed him and beat him for wanting to do that at first he learned to accept it. I think that had a lot to do with why he chose to make a sculpture of David. Michelangelo started to work on art at a very young age and he was really good at it too. He was also an architect and a poet. He was also noticed by Lorenzo the magnificent who invited him to be educated in sculpting along with his son and his nephew. He was also given a purple cloak to wear which means that since purple is a color that represents royalty he was really good at his artwork and was appreciated by Lorenzo. Michelangelo was known for his attention to detail and his facial expressions in his sculptures. He made each and every detail like the fold of skin in someone's arm to the expressions of someone's face to show their emotions in a sculpture.

The work of art that I chose was David which was a sculpture started by Michelangelo in 1501 and finished in 1504. On page 11 of Famous artists: Michelangelo it says that the facial expressions that were put onto his face and the way he stood made him look relaxed yet ready for action. It took a lot of different carving tools to make the detail in his sculpture look so real and lifelike. Unlike the 1473 David by Verrocchio Michelangelo's sculpture is of a young man and not of the boy David.

My interpretation of David by Michelango is that the reason that he chose to make this piece of art was because he could relate to David. In the story David as a young person kills a giant called Goliath who is favored to destroy David in a fight, but instead David kills Goliath with his slingshot. I think that Michelangelo felt like he was David starting out so young and already doing great things and being put in such a high place that he didn't have anyone who was like him so he gravitated to David because he felt like they were really the same. I think that it shows that even if you are young you can do great things and there is no age limit to when you can be great.