Sunday, June 10, 2012

COA novel

I finished reading the book Teen Angst? NAAA by Ned Vizinni and I think it had many great examples of how to grow up and what it is like to grow up and start coming of age. In the novel it showed how Ned experimented with different things and how not all of them his parents aproved of. Also in the little bit of  the book involved his middle school life it still provided a great example of how he started straying away from his parents and the difference between him in middle school and him in high school.

Even though there was only a little part of his experience of middle school it showed a good contrast of him in comparison to his middle school relationship with his parents and basically what he did in his life to what he did in high school and his relationship with his parents in high school. In middle school the chapter is really about him playing a video game when he drops the video game and he thinks it's broken he turns to his dad first to fix the problem which I thought really showed how kids are when they are younger.

In Ned's high school life he really started to stray away from his parents and he really had most of his adventures and stories out of the house and I started hearing less and less about his brother and barely anything about his sister and more about his friends and things he did out of the house. I think that shows that kids start to stray away and relly on their parents less and are more independent.