Thursday, May 17, 2012

Coming of Age

In the book Teen Angst? NAAAH Ned goes through coming of age because he starts being more independent and starts going out more and not being with his family. Ned starts to hang out with friends from school. Also because he doesn't want to be seen in a certain way he doesn't want to be escorted by his dad when he wants to go out somewhere. He is also starting to value the opinion of his peers and people at school more. I think it is good to have a parent like Ned's dad because his dad seems to understand that he wants to branch out and he gives him his space. He also didn't get mad and blow up when Ned came home drunk.

"Now dad isn't an emmbarrassing guy, but the Shrivel show was an important gathering, and I didn't want him escorting me to and from it." (pg. 54). Ned might not want to hut his parents feelings but he wants to seem cool to his friends. I think that all teenagers do that and it might seem insulting to their parents but I don't think that they mean to hurt their feeling because they still love them but they also don't want to seem like they are weak and can't look after themselves.

I like Ned's dad because he is nice and I think that he is one of those parents who still remembers what it is like to be a teenager and he treats his son like he respects him and he is willing to accept him growing up. Some parents never want their kids to grow up so they hold on to them and suffocate them and that makes the kids want to leave more. Ned's dad let's him grow up and lets him do it at his own pace.

I think that kids coming of age is more than just the child being ready to grow up but it is also about the parents being willing to let their kids grow up and mature on their own. Kids should grow up at their own pace but with the guidance of their parents but not with them suffocating them and not givig them the space to grow up. Ned's dad let him have space but I think that he did it because he trusted Ned and he also gave him the respect he deserved.